Design. Create. Play.


Beyond the Wall: Berlin’s Creative Evolution and Streetwise Energy

NEW BLOG POST! A journey into Berlin’s creative energy and life with the weplayamongyou team. Uncover what the team have found inspiring about Berlin’s creative and artistic streets; with some tips of things to look out for, see and do.

Lost To Those That Watch Collection.

Lost To Those That Watch is a collection of paintings and illustrations that look into several topics of identity and self in the digital age. Of individuals trying to be lost and trying to be found. Have a look through the evolving piece of work. Sign-up for the email to get notified when new pieces drop into this collection.

WibbleWobbleYumYum Collection

Welcome to the world of Wibblewobbleyumyum. A collection of abstract paintings and images focused on bold colours and geometric shapes influence and inspired by a visit to Manchester, UK. Sign-up for the email to get notified when new pieces drop into this collection.

The Mix Sessions

A collection of artwork and mix covers that have been created to accompany various mixing sessions by the WPAY collective. Each cover is themed around the mix. The images presented also have links to all the mixes from the collective so you can also listen to them. We hope you enjoy them.

‘1000 Eyes’

Have a look through one of our latest projects, ‘1000 Eyes’. We live in strange times and ever changing world. The collection of work is a response to that and reminder that we all need to look out for each; and be aware of those looking over us. Take a closer look at the work and find out more on the background to the project here.

Hunter’s Moon Video Mix

We finally release our first video mix, incorporating the live DJ mix ‘Hunter’s Moon’ with over 60mins of video and visuals related to each track in the mix. Turn off the lights, turn up the sound and watch on a big screen for that in-club or festival feeling.

A look through our achives.

8-Bit Patterns

A selection of work inspired by our love for everything 8-Bit. The work is a selection of patterns and textures that have taken a modern twist on the golden era of 8 -Bit gaming and computers.

Keep an eye out on our blog from more information and what inspired us for this project.

The Falling Series

A set of first illustrations and paintings that were used for a broader selection of work. Inspired at looking at free falling figures, figures in flight or floating.

Character Sketches

A view of some of the new character sketches we are currently working on. Have a look and if you have any ideas of characters you would like to see, just drop us an email.