Beyond the Wall: Berlin's Creative Evolution and Streetwise Energy.


The WePlayAmongYou team have visited Berlin on several occasions. Berlin, has always felt a city pulsating with history, seamlessly fusing its past with a vibrant, avant-garde present.

We’ve always loved it’s creative energy and constant evolution. It’s always felt like a city where it’s past is always not too far away, either to be seen or felt. But it’s history meets a dynamic artistic and creative spirit, and has always pulled us and others seeking an immersive creative experience. In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into the multifaceted influences that shape Berlin's creative landscape, giving some of our own views and guides to what to see and do….hopefully uncovering some hidden gems and providing insights for planning your own creative adventure.


Street Art Wonderland: A Walk Through the East Side Gallery

One of the reasons we love Berlin is its diverse range of graffiti, street and stencil art. It’s always had a gritty, edgy creative feel to it and in many places this still remains. (Though gentrification is also a threat to some of Berlin’s D.I.Y. creative appeal. So go sooner rather than later!) First off dive into the open-air gallery of the East Side Gallery, where the remnants of the Berlin Wall serve as canvases for poignant murals. Explore the work of local and international street artists, each telling a unique story of unity, resistance, and freedom. Though, even before you reach East Side you will probably see lots of graffiti, street and murals. Beyond the East Side Gallery, venture into Friedrichshain's RAW-Gelände, an abandoned rail yard transformed into an ever-evolving canvas for street artists, performers and creative teams. Also visit and engage with the vibrant art community at Urban Spree, a cultural space where street art, music, and contemporary urban culture converge.

Part the huge mural as East Side Gallery.

Graffiti Gems: Hidden Treasures in Kreuzberg

Kreuzberg is another place to find hidden graffiti gems that reflect the neighbourhood’s rebellious spirit. Here you will often see an intersection of street art and social commentary, with artists, designers and creatives using walls as their canvas for political expression. With many parts of Berlin its always good to wonder off the beaten tourist tracks to get a true sense of what creative treasures Berlin has to offer. This is something we,vew always done. So wander off the beaten path to Wrangelkiez in Kreuzberg, where narrow alleyways host an array of expressive graffiti, capturing the neighbourhood’s bohemian soul. While also in the area drop in on discover the dynamic blend of street art, music and community activism in SO36, where local musicians and artists collaborate on on various projects. The SO36 Club  (Named after it’s Berlin postcode), was the birth place of Berlin’s punk scene while also spawning other movements and future subcultures.


Design District Delights: Mitte's Contemporary Flair

We love the creative energy of Mitte, where contemporary design studios and galleries redefine the aesthetic landscape alongside historical sights and cultural venues. Its great to see another creative side of Berlin - Berlin's modern designers shaping the city's visual identity, from sleek furniture to cutting-edge fashion. Explore the collaborative spaces of St. Oberholz and Factory Berlin, hubs where tech, design, and art intersect, fostering innovation and creative synergy.

Stroll through Hackesche Höfe, a series of interconnected courtyards in Mitte, hosting design boutiques, galleries, and quirky cafes…remember to explore off the beaten track. Berlin is one of the those cities that may reveal a creative or artistic gem in the unlikeliest of places;  the street art alley ways of Hackesche Höfe is one of those. Bookshops, galleries and old vinyl shops can appear from no-where.

It's a shame the Tacheles arts centre is now closed- This another sign of progressive gentrification ☹ and of a city that continues to evolve, sometimes losing it’s charm and appeal along the way.


Techno Temples: Berlin's Clubbing Scene

You can’t go to Berlin without talking techno. It’s a city that defined a genre of music and continues to evolue and shape the dance and electronic music space. Here the original D.I.Y. energy of creativity can still be found. Delve into the symbiotic relationship between music, art, and nightlife, where immersive experiences redefine the traditional clubbing paradigm. Experience the heartbeat of Berlin at legendary techno clubs like Berghain and Watergate or embark on a techno pilgrimage to Tresor, a historic club housed in a former power plant, where the raw industrial setting enhances the electronic music experience. Experience the experimental beats at ://about blank, a collectively run club embracing diversity and inclusivity in its music and atmosphere. In Berlin, we always found that music, design and creativity go hand in hand.


Cultural Kaleidoscope: Museums and Galleries Galore

Berlin has some fantastic museums and galleries for finding lots of creative inspiration. Museum Island, home to a collection of world-class museums, including the Pergamon Museum and Neues Museum. Uncover Berlin's cultural evolution through art, artifacts, and exhibitions that bridge the gap between the ancient and the contemporary.

The lesser-known Museum der Dinge is also worth a visit. The museum is dedicated to everyday objects turned art, providing a unique perspective on design and aesthetics.

Immerse yourself in the alternative art scene at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, showcasing cutting-edge exhibitions and performances.


Fashion Forward: Berlin's Unique Style

Districts like Friedrichs Hain, where vintage boutiques and avant-garde designers flourish is great for exploring fashion, style and patterns. Capture the essence of Berlin's diverse street fashion, where individuality and self-expression take centre stage.

Bikini Berlin, a concept mall blending fashion, art, and technology is a place where you peek into the eclectic world of up-and-coming designers at. Its big and can get busy, but it gives you another view of Berlin’s creative edge.

We also enjoyed the  Turkish Market in Neukölln, not just for fresh produce but also to witness the fusion of cultures reflected in the vibrant street fashion.


Treasures and Tales: Navigating Berlin's Eclectic Flea Market Wonderland.
One thing we always love when in Berlin in trekking around the numerous flea markets. They can be  a treasure trove of creative inspiration, reflecting the city's eclectic and vibrant spirit. These markets can sometimes go beyond the conventional, offering a unique blend of history, art, and everyday objects. There can be a lot of ‘tat’ so you do have some searching. But we’ve always had great days exploring.

Some of the things to look out for:

Vintage Fashion Statements: There can be racks of vintage clothing, where each piece tells a story. From timeless classics to quirky, one-of-a-kind finds, these markets are a haven for fashion enthusiasts seeking unique styles. But you do have to search.

Antique Artifacts and Curiosities: Explore stalls filled with antique furniture, old books, and unique artifacts. Each item carries a sense of history, making these markets a great source of inspiration. (See some of the pics above)

Handcrafted Treasures: Discover handmade crafts and artisanal goods, from jewellery to home decor. Local artists, designers and craft people often showcase their creations, providing a platform for unique, one-of-a-kind pieces that celebrate Berlin’s creativity.

Upcycled and Repurposed Creations: This probably comes from Berliner’s innate D.I.Yer nature but we always astonished at the level of art and design that Berliners get from upcycling and breathing new life into discarded items. From repurposed furniture to recycled art installations, flea markets in Berlin showcase the city's commitment to sustainability and creativity.

Quirky Collectibles and Oddities: Many times we’ve come back from Berlin with quirky and unusual collectibles that defy categorization. Berlin's flea markets are known for their assortment of oddities, sparking the imagination and inviting a sense of whimsy. So keep your creative eyes peeled.

Vinyl Records and Musical Memories: Yes we have brought lots of vinyl back from Berlin. There can be lots of vinyl stalls so be prepared to stop and browse through stacks of vinyl records. Berlin’s vibrant music culture is embedded in these markets and can add a rhythmic touch to the creative atmosphere.

Photographic History: If you love old snapshots and film, the markets are a place to go. Explore vintage photographs and postcards that capture moments in time. These snapshots offer a visual journey through Berlin's past and can be a source of inspiration for those interested in storytelling through images.

Cultural Fusion: Experience the cultural diversity of Berlin through items reflecting the city's rich history and global influences. From international trinkets to artifacts from different eras, these markets embody Berlin's cosmopolitan identity.


A couple of other places that we have loved on past visits to Berlin.

Holzmarkt: Creative Village on the Spree: Visit Holzmarkt, a riverside community that blends creativity, sustainability, and social engagement. It features art installations, a club, and spaces for local artisans.

Interactive Art at YAAM YAAM (Young African Art Market) is not just a beach club; it's a canvas for multicultural expression. Experience live performances, art installations, and community events.

Experimental Theater: Hebbel am Ufer (HAU) Immerse yourself in boundary-pushing performances at HAU, a trio of theaters known for experimental and interdisciplinary productions, challenging the conventional notions of theater.

Street Performers at Mauerpark: Mauerpark on Sundays, where street performers, musicians, and artists come together. Witness impromptu performances and explore the Flea Market for unique finds. It’s lively and has atmosphere.

Bauhaus Archive/Museum of Design: Delve into the history of design at the Bauhaus Archive, dedicated to the influential Bauhaus movement. The museum houses a vast collection of art, design, and architecture artifacts.

Kreuzberg's Creative Cafés: Betahaus and Hallesches Haus: Work and connect with creatives at Betahaus, a co-working space fostering collaboration. Hallesches Haus, nearby, is a cafe and creative space hosting events and pop-up exhibitions.

Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art: Experience the Berlin Biennale, a major contemporary art exhibition held every two years. It brings together international artists, curators, and thinkers for a dynamic exploration of contemporary art.

Alternative Cinema: Sputnik Kino and Lichtblick Kino: Catch a film at Sputnik Kino, known for its diverse selection of independent and international movies. Lichtblick Kino, a micro-cinema, offers an intimate setting for film enthusiasts.

Pictoplasma Conference: Where Characters Come to Life
Pictoplasma is one of the main reasons we first went to Berlin. Pictoplasma makes Berlin fun making it a playground for character design enthusiasts, animators, illustrators, and creatives from around the world as they gather for the Pictoplasma Conference. This unique event, dedicated to the world of character design and art, transforms the city into a vibrant canvas where imaginary beings and fantastical creatures come to life.

Key highlights for us as a Collective:

International Character Designers:
The Pictoplasma Conference attracts a diverse array of international character designers who share their expertise, insights, and latest creations. Attendees have the opportunity to learn from the industry's leading artists.

Inspiring Talks and Presentations:
The conference features a series of talks and presentations that delve into the creative process, storytelling, and the evolution of characters in various media. From animation and illustration to gaming and virtual reality, the discussions cover a broad spectrum of creative fields.

Character Walk and Exhibition: Explore the Character Walk, an exhibition showcasing a curated selection of character-driven art. Attendees can immerse themselves in a visual feast of unique characters and discover emerging talents pushing the boundaries of design.

Workshops and Masterclasses: Pictoplasma offers hands-on workshops and masterclasses, allowing participants to refine their skills and engage in practical, interactive sessions. It's an opportunity for creatives to experiment with character creation under the guidance of experienced mentors.

Networking Hub: It’s a great place to meet other creative people - The conference serves as a hub for networking, fostering connections between artists, designers, and industry professionals. Attendees can exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, and immerse themselves in the global character design community.

If you can, we would definitely recommend trying to attend the Pictoplasma Conference in Berlin: It feels so right for Berlin to be it’s home.

Some of the reasons we previously attended:

Creative Inspiration: Losing yourself in creativity and being able to immerse yourself in a world of boundless creativity, where characters transcend the conventional and become vessels for storytelling and expression. What’s not to like?

Industry Insights: Gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of character design across various mediums, from animation and illustration to gaming and beyond.

Creative Networking Opportunities: We’ve made many friends at Pictoplasma. Its great for connecting with like-minded creatives, established artists, and industry professionals. The conference provides a fertile ground for collaboration and future projects.

Emerging Trends: If you are hunting for new creative inspiration and insight then it’s a great place to start . Pictoplasma has always been at the forefront of emerging trends in character design, as the conference showcases the latest innovations and perspectives shaping the industry.

Attending the Pictoplasma Conference is not just an event; it's an immersive experience that celebrates the boundless imagination of character design. It's a testament to Berlin's status as a global hub for creativity, where artists and enthusiasts converge to explore the limitless possibilities of storytelling through characters. Book your tickets and plan your journey for 2024!

Tips for Planning a Creative Trip:

Local Immersion: Connect with local artists through events, workshops, and co-working spaces to gain insights into Berlin's underground scene.

Neighbourhood Exploration: Wander beyond the tourist hubs; each district has its unique artistic identity waiting to be uncovered.

Event Calendar: Check for art festivals, gallery openings, and club events happening during your visit to align with Berlin's dynamic creative calendar.

Public Transport: Opt for Berlin's efficient public transport to seamlessly navigate between neighborhoods and creative hubs.

Get off the beaten tourist track: Berlin is seen and experieced best when you wander and explore off the well worn tourist streets. Creative inspiration can be found in so many places in Berlin.

Capture what you see, hear, smell: Use all your senses to capture the essence of what all of Berlin has to offer.

Record and document: We are a liitle over the top when it comes to documentating our trips. We tend to have our sketch books, phones and cameras on hand when we wander Berlin as there is so much to see and capture for creative reference and inspiration.



Berlin's creative energy and vitality always draws us back for more. Its definitely a revealing a city that transcends traditional boundaries. We can’t wait to go back and see how its changed and evolved. Plan your journey with an open mind, allowing the city's spirit to guide your artistic and creative odyssey.


Join s in the next blog post as we set our sights on another creative journey with the weplayamongyou collective. Take care and stay safe.


The Art of Storytelling: Elevating Mood Boards for Creative Inspiration