Watched over by Tech

Technology Reference for 1000 Eyes Image

As a collective of creatives we are very aware and concerned about the issues of technology used for surveillance and data tracking in our everyday lives and in wider society. In the 1000 Eyes collection we sought to convey the idea that we are constantly being watched, monitored, and analysed by governments, organisations, companies or forces.

"1000 Eyes," will hopefully start to  form into a visual commentary on some of these issues, including on the issues of technology, surveillance and data tracking in our society.

The use of technology to monitor and track individuals is not limited to governments, as many big tech companies also use this type of technology for various purposes. This has led to concerns about privacy and the use of personal data by these companies. Some examples that have influence or creative thinking:
- Facebook's "Like" Button: Facebook's iconic thumbs-up "Like" button allows the platform to track users' preferences and interests for targeted advertising.

-Google's Search History: Google's tracking of users' search history and online behaviour enables personalized search results and advertisements.

-Amazon's Alexa: Amazon's voice-activated assistant, Alexa, listens for commands but also raises concerns about constant surveillance within homes.

- Smartphones' Location Services: Mobile phones track users' locations, which is valuable for services like GPS but also raises concerns about data privacy.

-Social Media Algorithms: Social media platforms use algorithms to monitor and curate users' feeds, showing them content based on their past interactions and behaviours.

- Smart TVs: Smart televisions with built-in cameras and microphones can potentially be hacked or used for surveillance, leading to privacy worries.

Moreover, the concept of "brand surveillance" has become increasingly relevant in the digital age. Brands use data analytics and monitoring tools to keep a close eye on consumer behaviour, preferences, and sentiment in real-time. This allows them to adapt their marketing strategies, products, and services to better cater to their target audiences and stay ahead of their competitors.

With new technologies like A.I. Quantum Computing and Metaverse already starting to become mainstream the role of technology companies and brands and how they want to capture more about us and what we do, looks set to increase

Through the 1000 Eyes project, we hope to inspire the viewer to think critically about the impact of surveillance on our society, and to consider the implications of a world where privacy is a luxury. We believe that art can be a powerful tool for sparking conversations and inspiring change, and we hope this collection will start to do just that.

Let us know what you think. Should we be concerned or not? Stay Safe WPAY


The Art of Storytelling: Elevating Mood Boards for Creative Inspiration


How the books we read influenced our 1000 Eyes Collection